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Maiden Newton - Bridport Trailway

Maiden Newton - Bridport Proposed Trailway


Led by sustainable transport charity, Sustrans, the Maiden Newton-Bridport Trailway will follow the disused route of the old Bridport branch railway, offering a 10-mile traffic-free path for the benefit of walkers, cyclists and wheelchair users.  Whilst serving two towns and several villages, the path will also act as a traffic-free gateway to the Jurassic Coast, encouraging green tourism.

The Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty has awarded the Trailway a grant of £5,000 from its Sustainability Development Fund, which supports projects that bring sustainable benefits to local communities.  

The Trailway project has also been supported by local running club, Maiden Newton Runners, which has fundraised £500 towards the development of the path. The runners raised the funds from their annual NewTen Madness event.

In September 2010 "The Picnic On The Path" took place, at which Phil Minton's Feral Choir performed. A group of people turned up at Maiden Newton Village Hall and after a hard morning's work, put on a performance of the The Feral Choir for the assembled picnicers. Shot and edited by John Holman for

Alacrify Ltd. 01300 320076.