Name  : Samuel COPP.
Rank & Number : Private. 24132.
Service  : 6th Bn., Dorsetshire Regiment.
Date of Death : Thursday, 12th April 1917.
Age  : 35
Cause of Death : Killed in Action.
No known grave.
Commemorated : Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France.
Reference : Bay 6.

Private Samuel Copp was the son of Richard Copp, of Milborne St.Andrews, Blandford, Dorsetshire. He was born in Chilbury, enlisted at Dorchester and lived in Maiden Newton.

It is probable that Private Samuel Copp was killed in action during the First Battle of the Scarpe, including the capture of Monchy le Preux and the Wancourt Ridge (9th-11th April, 1917).