Notes on

1. Updates to this web site will be a bit irregular over the next month as I concentrate on my fungus foraying activities and maintain my mushroom hunting web site. I still, however, expect to be able to update at least once a week.

2. I am at present working on a new version of the website using a new version of NetOjects Fusion. It will make navigation easier, introduce better picture galleries, allow popup pictures and text and will be generally tidier. I will be removing the �frames� as they are causing ranking problems in Google. ( is number one in Altavista and Lycos but page 10 in Google). It will not be ready for a month or two as I have to start almost from scratch. The current web site will suffer a little as I will not expend too much energy in fixing bad links and missing picture as I would do normally.

3. In writing the new site I will need to update information about all the businesses, societies and organisations in the village. Please help by passing on any information you may have. I will be writing to all these organisations shortly.

4. I still need help. If you have any photos, opinions, stories, articles about the local wild life etc. please pass them on.

5. The problem with Google may have a simpler explanation - my home page is, or has been up till now, called �Home�. Changing it to �Maiden Newton and Frome Vauchurch in West Dorset�, as I have just done, may well help!