Present: Guy, Stuart, Derek, Martin, Lin, Dave C, Dave W, Charles, Dan, Phil, Di, John

Hurling abuse nearby: Wilf

Apologies: Pete

Our usual table being occupied by the British Legion (a rival club, with a slightly more athletic membership), and other tables being taken, we had to make do with sitting in the darts area (what is the technical term for a darts pitch?), with our illustrious chair poised on the oche.

1. Membership Fees. A tenner was offered and withdrawn by Charles, but this unleashed a torrent of money into the club�s coffers from which ample change was available for Mr Le Vey�s tenner to be broken.

2. Christmas meal. Some swift and purposeful negotiating with mine host behind the bar led to the following arrangements for the meal on Sat 22 Jan: approximately 20 people are expected, and Shaun will charge �6.50 a head, for a choice of vegetable curry, stroganoff or chicken fricasee, all served with rice, and some garlic bread to boot. Plus a nosebag for Wilf.

3. Correspondence � another arid month, apart from a letter from our President, John Arscott, explaining that he is struggling with erratic energy levels (unlike the consistently lethargic among us) and will therefore not be able to attend on 22 Jan. He does intend though to help in some capacity with the race in August.

4. The Run, now known as The Maiden New�Ten� Madness: Phil reported on progress � the paperwork has gone in, and he has persuaded a sceptical Inspector Fry of the local constabulary that it won�t be necessary to close roads for the event. NB I mistyped the date of the run in the last minutes, it will be on Saturday 13 August. Stuart has alerted John Hull at Altro-Resins so Phil can go ahead and approach him about sponsorship. Phil persuaded Guy to volunteer to oversee the timekeeping, and Phil will email Johnny Mushroom about updating the website. Numbers will be handed out on the day, so we can have an accurate record of the numbers participating. Phil is looking into getting local clubs, eg football, rugby, cricket, to enter teams. NB again � can anyone who will be available to help on the day please let us know by the February meeting.  More thanks were proffered to Phil and to Dave C for the work they have done.

5. Past events: various excuses were submitted to explain the lack of news � eg broken toe, marathon training. Lin and Martin are concentrating on marathon training, but both did the First Chance 10K in Exeter, Lin in 43.06, Martin in 40.36. Dave and Phil both did the Milborne 10 (actually it�s 9.79 miles but the Milborne 9.79 doesn�t sound quite the same). Da

6. Future events: Feb 6th the Blackmore Vale � Marathon, Feb 9th Street 5K, March 20th Sherborne Castle 10K, and on April 24th the Sydling run (5k?).

7. London: Di is getting out regularly, Lin and Martin are cutting down races to concentrate on the marathon, and Woolly was no doubt too busy training to attend tonight�s meeting.

8. Membership Vouchers: Like Marks and Spencer�s and Sainsbury�s, we can report slow trading in the pre-Christmas period. Or should that be no trading?

9. Johnny Kipps: we agreed again to put the date back to May (8 May, 11am) so as to allow some recovery time after London. Charles will use his urbane charms to persuade Lord Winford to give the event his blessing, and possibly some car parking space. We will seek interest from local clubs in taking part, without making it a formal race.

10. AOB � a possible new member, Richard Gosling, has made contact with Stuart. No doubt Stuart will be able to persuade the man to look elsewhere.

Meeting closed 8.58pm.