Present: Guy, Stuart, Dave C, Derek, John, Martin, Lin, Phil, Charles and Dave W
Apologies: Pete (in the frozen north)
Preamble � it being remembrance day, the meeting got underway with a trip down memory lane for some of our older members, prompted by the return of the prodigal ex-chair, Mr Charles Le Vey. For a moment their hoary old faces softened, as they cast their decaying minds back to the days of their youth. That which was lost, was nearly found.
Then, on the way back up memory lane, Guy complained that the previous minutes did not specify the reason for his absence, namely that he had been at a disabled athletes meeting in Sherborne.
Past events. Dave C had taken himself off to a training camp at Stony Stretford, where he went for a run and contrived to get himself lost.
Martin and Lin went to Dublin and, 5 weeks after the New Forest Marathon, did the Dublin version, finishing together in 3.18.43. Stuart and Guy were keen to point out that they had previously made several weekend trips to research the route. Martin and Lin also did the Parrot Trail Relay, each got lost on their leg (about 8 miles, or more with them navigating), Martin following an innovative route through a back garden, a sub-station and the pub in South Perrott. So much for GPS.
Phil did the Commando Challenge at Bicton College, with Di and another friend from Sydling. Their team performance would have been better had they not got lost within sight of the finish and added an extra half-mile or more to their route. By now the attentive reader may be noticing something of a theme developing. Phil also did the Ilminster 10K, finishing in a course-best 41.40.
Charles reported to the meeting that he had done the Alton Downland challenge, a multi-terrain 10K which was marred by a marshalling cock-up. He finished 157th out of 400, being 1 of 9 Le Veys in the field.
Dave W was proud to report setting a personal best in his 1st ever 10K! He finished the Ilminster run in 40.29.
Future Events: Cheddar � on 13th Nov; Colyton 10K, Templer 10 and Wimborne 10 all on 21st Nov, Bicton Blister 11 on 28th Nov, and The Full Montycute on 5th Dec.
Membership cards � still not resolved by your negligent secretary
20th anniversary � a discussion of ways to celebrate this landmark. Possibly an amended Greenford Gallop, featuring a 10K and a 2K race and an attempt to get as many former members back as possible, perhaps in August. We also aimed to keep the Johnny Kipps in April/May and use it as a trial for organising a run, selling it to other clubs as an informal rave run. We will look to set dates at the next meeting.
London entry �has been obtained by your not totally negligent secretary, agreed to decide recipient at next meeting, after ballot results known.
Christmas dinner � in an uncharacteristic show of decisiveness, it was agreed that we would have a skittles/buffet evening at the Chalk and Cheese. Not only that, but our impetuous chair leapt from his seat and booked the event there and then for Sat 22 January 2005 � everyone please note the date.
AOB. Guy revealed his master strategy for his contributions to The Chimes/Herald, namely to wait till the last minute and cobble together whatever passed through his head. However he has surpassed himself, and hatched plans for his next article to offer membership vouchers as a Christmas present idea to the unsuspecting readers. How pleased local people would be if that turned out to be what Santa brought them.
News also reached the meeting, via email to John Arscott, that the foreign correspondent Rees will be in the area for 3 weeks from the 27th July next year � so any events arranged for August must be kept a secret from him if our sanity is to be preserved.
Injuries � Martin had one but got over it. Charles is off running with a bad back. Guy reminded us that he is to go under the knife soon.
Meeting closed at 9.05 pm
Remember, next neeting 9 Dec at 8pm, and Christmas do and AGM will be on 22 Jan at The Chalk and Cheese, in the skittle alley.