Name  : Cyril James REED.
Rank & Number : Ordinary Seaman. P/JX 519089.
Service  : H.M.S.�Penelope�, Royal Navy.
Date of Death : Friday, 18th February 1944.
Age  : 19.
Cause of Death : Lost at sea.
No known grave.
Commemorated : Plymouth Naval Memorial, Devon, UK.
Reference : Panel 84, Column 1.

On 18th February 1944 H.M.S.�Penelope� was disabled by a 21� torpedo hit 7nm north of Ventotene Island (Gulf of Gaeta) and then destroyed by a magazine explosion about 16 minutes later when she was hit by one (or possibly two) more 21� torpedoes.

Cyril Reed was the son of Mr and Mrs A.E.Reed, of Maiden Newton.