The webmaster is John Wright. Please contact me at or, if urgent, on 01300 320053.

Thanks to Hedley Hayward this website is now comfortably sitting in its own bit of cyber space and is no longer a subdomain of the webmasters furniture making site. This will greatly improve the sites� search engine ranking and tidy up the silly urls. It seems to have speeded up load times as well.

I run two other sites - one for my cabinet making business - and one to support the courses I run on the subject of fungi -

Hedley Haward has kindly redirected , and to this site.

Photographs. Nearly all of the photographs on this website were taken by me and are therefore my copyright. Permission is given for anyone to use them in any way they wish which is not injurious in any way to anybody.

If you would like a higher definition copy of a photo please let me know.

See a picture of your webmaster with the Cattistock and the Frampton webmasters. Warning. This is not for the faint hearted.