MAIDEN NEWTON RUNNERS - Dramatis Personnae


Il Tartarini � Guy Smith (Chair) (athletics coach, team manager � guru of running � �gets him out the house� a lot � hence providing recipe for harmonious marriage)

La Patronette � Stuart (Stanley) Hargreaves (Secretary) (Club scribe, professional �leftie� � whose wife (Conan the Librarian) has posted a reward for information on his whereabouts)

John Wright � Treasurer and real runner

Le Patron � John Arscott (founder member and President) (a running icon - sub 3 hour marathon man)

Kite � Matthew Bucknall (photographer, kit flyer - an amiable buffoon)

Phil England � a real runner (marathon man)

The Quiet Man � Derek Faulkner (real ex-runner but his knee �did for him�)

Pete Farley � �Memory Man� what day of the week is it?

Martin New Boy � Martin Lascelles (not only a real runner but will have a go at almost anything, triple jump, long jump, 5k, 100m, pole vault � generally considered �mad� by the rest of us!)

Tone (aka Ranter) � Tony Stead (graphic designer, publicity guru and professional �northerner�) (couldn�t run a bath!)

Foreign Correspondent � Alan Rees (former team manager Canada RFU and professional eccentric) (the only one who vaguely makes Kite �look reasonable�)

Gareth Rees � Honorary member and former President (now resident in Canada and team manager/coach Canada national rugby team; former Oxford Univ, Quins & Wasps player; holds record for most appearances in rugby world cups)

�Charlie� Spencer � occasional runner, hairdresser (don�t be fooled by the name �Charlie� � she�s a woman � �jamais sans doute�)

Trowers � John Trowbridge (former real runner, cyclist � now performing his world famous Lord Lucan impression)

Woollie � Sarah Wolcott (another real runner went from nothing to running London Marathon � in nine weeks! � now injured � hence the qualification �real runner�)

Robbo � C A Wardle (another injured real runner � drummer in rock band � �bit of a baldie� (a bit like Phil Collins � but with more talent obviously!)

Dave Webb � another real runner (who together with Geoff, Phil, Martin and John Wright give the Club some running �street cred�)

Geoff Wilson � real runner (but runs in exile � lives in Co. Durham � which is a bit of a trip �for a home game�)

Prime of ��. � Jean Williams (70 something non-runner and sister of Patron who follows Club gossip avidly; a Club �groupie�)

Wilf � Richard Watts (a legend in his own lunchtime; councillor, train fanatic, quizmaster, Wolves supporter � can usually be found nailed to a barstool in local hostelry � and a man whose opinions are valued �all over the world� � however nobody wants to hear them in this country!)

Honorary Membership: Johnny Mushroom (another John Wright) � Webmeister; &

Alistair Taylor - Web Designer (to both of whom we are eternally grateful now that the rest of the world can share in this rubbish!)