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Site Renaissance

Hello Maiden Newton!

I work for Alacrify who are responsible for the maintenane of this site, and have recently been tasked with the upkeeep and management of the resurgence in the site's use. Over the coming months, I will be updating the content, and contacting other site users and contributors to notify them of our plans. If you would like to be involved, have any ideas for content, news stories, new pages, updated information, advertisements or anything else, please email me at

The more interaction and contributions we can get from the villagers, the more useful and therefore better the site will be. It has the potential to be a social hub for the village, with space for event information, the council meeting's minutes, village history and much more! 

Thanks in advance, I look forward to working with you!


Published: 23-07-15 by Alex Pledger

Alacrify Ltd. 01300 320076.