Race To Infinity: Vote Now For Superfast Broadband for Maiden Newton
UPDATE: 4-Jan-2011: The following exchanges won the Race To Infinity,
- Baschurch, Shropshire
- Blewbury, Oxfordshire
- Caxton, Cambridgeshire
- Innerleithen, Scottish Borders
- Madingley, Cambridgeshire
- Whitchurch, Hampshire
As you may be aware BT is rolling out superfast broadband to those communities which can demonstrate sufficient demand.
In order to be among the first to receive this service as many of our community as possible need to register on the Race To Infinity website: https://www.racetoinfinity.bt.com/ (it just takes a couple of minutes to do).
We currently have just 124 of the required 1211 votes (10.24%) registered so we really need to get the message out to as many people as possible. Please tell everyone you know in the village to vote to bring Superfast Broadband to Maiden Newton and Frome Vauchurch and let's try and win this race by early new year.
(You don't need to be a BT customer to vote. One vote is permitted per address.)
[With thanks to Simon Richards and Emily Bumby for suggesting this item for the site.]
Alacrify Ltd. 01300 320076. jon@alacrify.co.uk