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New Swap Shop Initiative

Maiden Newton resident, Donna Robson wishes to hear peoples thoughts on the following idea:

If you’re a fan of Kirstie Allsopp’s Channel 4 programme “Fill your house for free” you may have heard about ‘Give and take days’.

Think Swap Shop and you won’t be far off track. For more information, see:

How it works

You bring along unwanted clutter from your homes and swap for something really useful, well that's the theory. No money changes hands. You may not get want you want but at least you know things are going to a good home. 

I would however suggest that we have a donations tin and give to a local cause such as the village youth and community centre.

I’d like to hold one in the Village Hall this autumn, but need to know if anyone else is interested in joining me?

To show your interest, please contact Donna on or 01300 321423

Published: 09-08-13 by Mark Diment

Alacrify Ltd. 01300 320076.