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Benefit the local community from your Christmas Shopping

This Christmas, if you are planning to shop online for some (or all!) of your Christmas presents, make sure you visit

This webpage has been setup by the Cattistock Community Fund, who's aim is to raise funds for a variety of causes and projects that benefit both Cattistock and the surrounding area. These include the Savill Hall and First Responders.

How it works

Your on-line purchases cost exactly the same as they would by going direct to the suppliers’ websites. In fact it’s the same website – you simply enter it through Easyfundraising. Your personal details are protected; your purchases are not revealed to anyone. It couldn’t be easier, or safer.

Remember! It’s EASY and it costs you NOTHING.

About Easyfundraising

Thousands of retailers and service providers are signed up to it.  In fact it’s hard to find any company that sells on line that isn’t on the Easyfundraising list.  You make an on-line purchase through Easyfundraising, the retailer makes contribution to the Cattistock Community Fund.  It’s as easy as that.

What do I need to do?

  1. Log on to:
  2. Register as a Supporter (takes seconds)
  3. Start shopping
  4. Save the site as a favourite.

Want to know more? Glance at the website. 
Need help or advice? Call Wendy Gregory (320190) or Georgina Browning (321099).

Published: 10-11-11 by Mark Diment

Alacrify Ltd. 01300 320076.