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Three months in...

Tuesday 15th March 2011 saw the new website reach it's three month milestone, having been relaunched on 15th December 2010, followed only a few days later by an exceptional amount of snow!

During that time, we have been adding to, tweaking and promoting a whole host of features to not only an interested local audience, but worldwide. To date, the website has featured visits from all corners of the globe, from Australia and Brazil, to Ghana and the USA.

Popular Pages

Our most popular pages on the website include the Shops and Businesses page, which features contact information for each business listed. In addition to this, we are also generating interest from individuals wishing to take up one of the four advertising slots that are featured throughout the website. Any income generated from these helps to lessen the running costs of the site and allow us to continue to offer the website as a useful portal to both residents and businesses.

The Properties page continues to prove popular, with a list of all properties for sale in the village as well as links to properties for Rental, which are all featured on the well known property website

The Village History section includes a number of excellent articles and photos, compiled by David Smith in 2004, for the original version of the website. This section is set to grow even more over the coming weeks as we will be uploading a number of photos and newspaper articles relating to past events, as kindly supplied by the orginal website's founder, John Wright.

As ever, we are keen to hear from individuals, organisations or businesses that are local to Maiden Newton and Frome Vauchurch or have an interest in the local area, and that are looking to contribute to the website to help better serve it's visitors.

For more information, please contact or

Published: 17-03-11 by Mark Diment

Alacrify Ltd. 01300 320076.