Diary for January 2012
27th Winter Waders on Brownsea
27/01/2012 - 29/01/2012 A rare opportunity to stay on Brownsea Island to enjoy its wonderful wildlife at a time when the island is closed to the public. The lagoon is one of the finest locations on the south coast for studying some of the wide variety of waders that overwinter in the UK. Species include black-tailed godwit, grey plover, dunlin and huge numbers of avocets. Brownsea Island nature reserve manager Chris Thain will introduce you to the ecology of the lagoon and the lifestyles ...
8th Archaeotreks presents...
Dorset Archaeology: from the Stone Age to the Dark Age with Chris Tripp MA PIFA - archaeologist and lecturer 7 - 9pm on Sunday evenings At the Quaker Meeting Hall, South Street, Bridport Starting: 08/01/2012 £8 per session (10 weeks) Refreshments and Two Site Tours Included Visit https://xcavate.blogspot.com Or contact Chris via email or 0776 869 51 62 ...
6th Could you save a life in your local Community?
Cattistock and Maiden Newton Community First Responders have two complete sets of equipment, including defibrillators, so that they can operate from both villages easily. All they are lacking are volunteer responders. This fast response service is vital to ensure that patients in the local community receive essential life support until an emergency ambulance response arrives. For example, a patient who suffers a cardiac arrest stands an 85% chance of survival if they are defibrillated...
Alacrify Ltd. 01300 320076. jon@alacrify.co.uk