Diary for 07-05-2011

Cattistock: Regressive Meal Raising Funds For Children Of Fiji

Saturday 7th May - Evening

"Regressive Meal" raising funds for Children Of Fiji.

[Go to https://www.cattistock.info for more info...]

Highwood Gardens Open Day

7th May: There is an Open Day at Highwood Gardens on the A31 from 2.30pm to 6pm with tea, cakes and a visit to the woodland gardens. Admission for adults £4, children £2 and kids under 6 FREE. Money raised on the day will go to Home Start charity.

For more information got to https://www.homestartwestdorset.co.uk/feature/News/180

Plant Sales Every Saturday

At 10am at the War Memorial every Saturday you can find plants and produce for sale from the members of Maiden Newton's Allotment Association.

Alacrify Ltd. 01300 320076. jon@alacrify.co.uk